When to come

 GOA Weather:

The climate of Goa is temperate, except during the monsoon, which lasts from June to September. The average temperature varies between 25°C – 30°C (68°F – 82°F) and the average daily hours of sunshine is nine to ten.

The most popular time to visit Goa is during the cooler months of November to March, when the weather is wonderful, rain is a distant memory, and the seas are calm and clear. Arriving in October, at the very start of the tourist season, you’ll find beaches luxuriously empty, but many facilities, such as shops, restaurants, beach shacks and beach-hut operations, aren’t up and running yet. As March stretches into April and May, the weather grows hot and humid, and swimming becomes trickier due to rougher seas. Beaches slowly empty, but, much like October, this means that facilities aren’t as extensive, businesses slowly shutting up shop to await the return of tourists the following November.



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